Computational Macroecology
[update pending]
Selected publications
Reconciling taxon senescence with the Red Queen’s hypothesis by Žliobaitė et al. 2018 in Nature. DOI
Herbivore teeth predict climatic limits in Kenyan ecosystems by Žliobaitė et al. 2016 in PNAS. DOI
An ecometric analysis of the fossil mammal record of the Turkana Basin by Fortelius et al. 2016 in Philosophical Transactions B. DOI
Sep 2017 » Machine learning with fossil data: analyzing environmental and climate change, a tutorial presented at ECMLPKDD'17, slides: part Ia, part Ib, part II, part III, bibliography.
Media coverage
Science Daily - New interpretation of the Red Queen's Hypothesis: It's about expansion
New Scientist - Animal teeth record how species live and die
Yliopisto-lehti - Hammasfossiili on aikakone
International Business Times - Animal teeth are being used to reveal Earth's ancient weather
15min - Lietuvė mokslininkė kuria būdą nustatyti orus iš dantų
Last updated 2018 April